

Frank Lloyd Wright door de jaren heen

in 1908 publiceerde "the architectural record" een stuk geschreven door frank lloyd wright.
dit stuk heette "in the cause of architecture". hij begon zijn publicatie met een dictaat over de belangen van architectuur in combinatie met de natuur.

  1. Simplicity and Repose are qualities that measure the true value of any work of art.
  2. There should be as many kinds (styles) of houses as there are kinds (styles) of people and as many differentiations as there are different individuals. A man who has individuality has a right to its expression in his own environment.
  3.  A Building should appear to grow easily from its site and be shaped to harmonize with its surroundings if Nature is manifest there.
  4. Use the soft warm, optimistic tones of earths and autumn leaves in preference to the pessimistic blues, purples, or cold greens and grays of the ribbon counter.
  5. Bring out the nature of materials, let their nature intimately into your scheme. Reveal the nature of the wood, plaster, brick, or stone in your designs, they are all by nature friendly and beautiful.
  6. A house that has character stands a good chance of growing more valuable as it grows older while a house in the prevailing mode, whatever that mode may be, is soon out of fashion, stale, and unprofitable. Above all, integrity.

Solar Hemicycle 

R&G Pauson House

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